In this short book (104 pages) Dutch Catholic priest Henri Nouwen (1932-1996) describes some of the key lessons he learned after stepping down from a twenty year career as a professor of Divinity at Harvard, Yale and Notre Dame to become the local priest for a community of mentally disabled adults in Canada. 

You can read In the Name of Jesus in one sitting… but you’ll want to take notes. I’ve read it many times and always find something new. I have also passed out dozens of copies to leaders I work with. Nouwen makes a powerful analogy between the three temptations of Jesus in Matthew chapter 4 , i.e. the temptation to: 1) turn stones to bread, 2) jump off the temple, and 3) receive the kingdoms of the world with three temptations he believes people are faced with today, i.e. the temptation to be: 1) relevance, 2) spectacular, and 3) powerful. Nouwen encourages us to move from relevance to prayer, from popularity to ministry, and from leading to being led. This is a must read. I think Nouwen hits the nail squarely with this one… now if I can only put it into practice in my own life.