castle walls 1In ancient days, many castles consisted of three defensive perimeters. The outer wall, the inner wall and the keep. The keep was the final place for retreat. If the enemy penetrated the outer and inner walls, it was

Here is a simple brand development metric.

Over the years, I have noticed three basic responses from people in Sweden when I tell them I work for Operation Mercy. They say either, “Who?”, “Oh” or “Wow!” Let me explain:

“WHO?” This is the response from people who have never heard of Operation Mercy. Read More

I was in Dohuk in N. Iraq this month visiting our team working among 20,000 Yazidi refugees from the city of Sinjar not far away. The same day I was at the Yazidi refugee camp the town of Sinjar was

What do social workers, humanitarian aid workers, substance abuse counselors, and palliative care nurses have in common? Well for one, these honorable professionals are particularly vulnerable to 1) burnout, 2) compassion fatigue and 3) secondary traumatic stress. People working in …

It has been fun to see that the international humanitarian sector’s most prominent HR actor, People In Aid has been promoting my doctorate research. Between January and May 2015, People In Aid (now CHS Alliance) have run four articles highlighting …

My mother, Loretta Breslin (20 July, 1921 – 11 December, 2014) was 93 year old when she passed away. She went to bed on 10 Dec not realizing she would be woken the next day by a choir of angels. …

three-legged stool of success in aid workOne of the interesting interpretations of the data from my doctorate research was this tree legged stool metaphor. The three legs: 1) relationships, 2) results, and 3) grit represent traits of people who successfully navigate the complexities of international aid …

My Don Quixote notions of masculinity

I was raised on Don Quixote and The Knights of the Round Table as a child. I was encouraged to embrace chivalry as a role model and this has undoubtedly shaped my understand/misunderstand of …

pear tree ub four seasons 3
The Parable of the Pear Tree

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look …

BELIEVE IT OR NOT:cross-section 1 Mayflower1620
In the Autumn of 1621 the Pilgrims held a 3-day festival of thanksgiving. Many would say they had little to give thanks for. Consider the following:

1. The  Separatist (as they were called) were compelled to …